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Welcome to Jessie, Alyssa, Leah, and Miranda!


First posted Jun 26, 2019

This summer Jessie Ogden is starting her MSc in the group. She is co-supervised with Margaret Docker and will be working on questions related to population structure in native and invasive sea lamprey populations. She's leading the charge on our sea lamprey work with an additional two postdocs, and a PhD and MSc student starting in September.

We've also got undergraduates Alyssa Garrard, Leah Kathan, and Miranda Bilous working on various projects this summer. Alyssa is working on the urban squirrel research field crew and on her own project exploring habitat use by grey and red squirrels in cities. Leah is also helping out with fieldwork but her main focus is on data compilation. She is exploring the potential use zoo animal pedigrees for quantitative genetic analyses and compiling life history data for our other synthetic population genetics project. She'll also start an honours project in September. Finally, Miranda is working for Karen on her @arcticsalmon research program. This summer she is synthesizing current research on the habitat and behaviour of salmon in the marine environment so we can better understand which environmental factors are influencing the northward shift in salmon distributions.

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